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Help us make a difference in the community. Your donations go straight back into the community to help our causes, projects, and programs. Your donation is tax-deductible.

We are a registered 501(c)3 not for profit, and have a Guidestar Platinum rating.

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Planned Giving

Your legacy is your statement to the world on what matters to you. Making a legacy gift to Empower East shares your belief that equality, justice, civic empowerment, and wellness matter.

A gift to Empower East through your will or other estate plan lets you continue your support of Empower East, making a difference in people’s lives . A gift to Empower East offers potential tax benefits to you, to your estate and/or to your heirs. Prior to making any decision about a planned gift, please be sure to consult your attorney and other professional advisors.

Please review these options to include Empower East in your legacy...

Bequest In Will

You may create a trust and transfer to it property and investments. The income from the trust would be paid to you or another lifetime income beneficiary for a designated period or for your life, and at your death the balance of the property and investments would go to Empower East. Discuss this option with your financial advisor. 

Life Insurance

You may make Empower East the beneficiary of one or more life insurance policies. If your financial and family circumstances have changed through the years, you may choose to designate Empower East as the beneficiary of a new or an existing life insurance policy.

Retirement Plan

You may leave a percentage portion or the entire balance of an IRA account or a 401k Plan to Empower East by designating it as a beneficiary.

Charitable Lead Trust

You may create a Charitable Lead Trust and transfer property or investments to the trust for a set period of time. The annual earnings from the trust would go to Empower East. When the trust terminates, the property and investments would be transferred to your designated beneficiaries. There is a possibility of being able to reduce or bypass gift and estate taxes using this vehicle. Discuss this option with your financial advisor.

Charitable Remainder Trust

You may create a trust and transfer to it property and investments. The income from the trust would be paid to you or another lifetime income beneficiary for a designated period or for your life, and at your death the balance of the property and investments would go to Empower East. Discuss this option with your financial advisor.

For further information contact:

Timothy Livengood, Chairman


o: 252.689.5222

Please Note: Neither Empower East nor any of its employees will provide any legal, tax or investment advice. Any prospective donor should obtain such advice from his or her legal, tax or other professional advisor.