Burnout, Workplace Stress, & Vicarious Trauma
Workplace Mental Health
Millions of employees spend a large part of their day, and lifetime, at work, increasing the effect that workplaces have on employees’ mental health and well-being. MHA’s workplace initiatives are part of an ongoing commitment to uncover workplace disparities, promote meaningful change in organizational practices, and develop resources to address the mental health needs of employees.
Self Compassion
With self-compassion, we give ourselves the same kindness and care we’d give to a good friend.
Timothy G. Livengood, MSL, MBA
State of the Child
March 12, 2021
Upcoming Presentations:
NC Juvenile Justice Court Conference
August 20, 2021
Mind Matters: Incarceration, Injustice, Inequality
September 16, 2021
Compassion Fatigue
Compassion fatigue is a broadly defined concept
that can include emotional, physical, and spiritual
distress in those providing care to another. It is
associated with caregiving where people or animals
are experiencing significant emotional or physical
pain and suffering.
Calm App
Each year, more and more healthcare practitioners from a diversity of disciplines and approaches are successfully integrating mindfulness techniques into their clinical practices.
At the same time, there is a growing body of evidence-based research corroborating the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness-based interventions to support people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia and more.
Madefor is a ten-month program that applies the principles of modern neuroscience, psychology and physiology to make your brain and body better.
Burnout: the secret of unlocking the stress cycle
BURNOUT is for women (or anyone) who has felt overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they have to do, yet still worried they weren’t doing “enough.”
We wrote it because it’s the book we needed ourselves. It contains the science and stories that helped us through some of the roughest times of our lives and even may have saved Amelia’s life - twice.
Wellness is not a state of mind, but a state of action. It is the freedom to move through the innate cycles and oscillations of being human - from effort to rest and back, from connection to autonomy and back, from adventure to homecoming and back. But we have been lied to our whole lives about what wellness “should” look like, and rejecting that lie, all those myths about “having it all” and “finally achieving lasting peace” is how we create space in our lives for that free action through the cycle of being human.
Coaching Habit
In Michael Bungay Stanier's The Coaching Habit, coaching becomes a regular, informal part of your day so managers and their teams can work less hard and have more impact.
Drawing on years of experience training more than 10,000 busy managers from around the globe in practical, everyday coaching skills, Bungay Stanier reveals how to unlock your peoples' potential. He unpacks sevenessential coaching questions to demonstrate how--by saying less and asking more--you can develop coaching methods that produce great results.
Mindfulness Journal
REDUCE YOUR ANXIETY AND LIVE IN THE PRESENT MOMENT: It's easy to feel worried when you're surrounded by negativity and headlines full of bad news. With The Mindfulness Journal, you can build a stress-reducing habit that makes you appreciate every single day.
UNIQUE, ACTIONABLE PROMPTS: The Mindfulness Journal provides 365 daily writing prompts divided into 52 weekly mindfulness topics. This gives you seven days to fully immerse yourself in each topic. Also the prompts are unique enough so you'll never feel bored while journaling. These prompts are fun, engaging, and will help you gain an appreciation for the world around you.
PLENTY OF WRITING SPACE: Each prompt is on its own separate page, so you'll have lots of room for reflection and space to write down ALL your thoughts.
Brene Brown Podcast
Brené with Emily and Amelia Nagoski
on Burnout and How to Complete the Stress Cycle
Brene Brown Books
Each year, more and more healthcare practitioners from a diversity of disciplines and approaches are successfully integrating mindfulness techniques into their clinical practices.
At the same time, there is a growing body of evidence-based research corroborating the therapeutic benefits of mindfulness-based interventions to support people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, chronic pain, insomnia and more.
Professional Quality of Life (ProQL)
Professional quality of life is the quality one feels in relation to their work as a helper. Both the positive and negative aspects of doing your work influence your professional quality of life. People who work helping others may respond to individual, community, national, and even international crises. They may be health care professionals, social service workers, teachers, attorneys, police officers, firefighters, clergy, transportation staff, disaster responders, and others. Understanding the positive and negative aspects of helping those who experience trauma and suffering can improve your ability to help them and your ability to keep your own balance.