For media professionals
Empower East, formerly Mental Health America of Eastern Carolina, is a Guidestar platinum-rated 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Greenville, NC. The organization is dedicated to supporting the growth of movements in our local area that are of utmost importance to us as a community.
Advocating for equality and justice, mental and physical wellness, and civic empowerment are the organization’s current areas of focus. Through partnerships with local, like-minded organizations and programs designed to make change, Empower East amplifies the impact already being made in our communities.
Empower East is always available to assist media professionals in their coverage of mental health, social justice, and civic empowerment issues. If you are a member of the media and would like information or want to connect with an Empower East spokesperson, please contact Timothy Livengood, Chairman, at 252.689.5222 or via email at